2020 Exhibitions
SOIL hosts group exhibitions every month of the year. The main gallery space shows exhibitions that have been accepted through SOIL’s annual open call. The backspace gallery often hosts solo exhibitions by SOIL’s members. The first Thursday of every month hosts each show’s opening reception and is a part of Pioneer Square’s First Thursday Art Walk. New programming at SOIL includes offering invitational artist residencies within the gallery space.

December 2020 / Masquerade: A Not So Silent Auction

November 2020 / Bradly Gunn

November 2020 / Ilana Zweschi

October 2020 / Cold Floors/Warm Walls

September 2020 / Barry Johnson
![August 2020 / [placeholder]](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5fa9bc4d6a30dd6a1ff6eacb/1613603306878-VM2PS9EV56AOB49GJ6QR/Copy+of+%5Bplaceholder%5D+pr1.jpg)
August 2020 / [placeholder]

July 2020 / In the Backspace: Kiki MacInnis

July 2020 / Skinny Dip

May–June 2020 / FishBowl Studio

March–April 2020 / In the Backspace: Nola Avienne

March–April 2020 / Conscious Collaboration With Spirit

February 2020 / Marisa Williamson