May 2011 / ComLink
Jana Brevick
Don't Hang Up, 2010/2011
Necklace with vintage dial telephone parts and fabricated sterling silver
9.5 x 36 2.5 inches
Jana Brevick
Single Ciruit
Ring: sterling silver & coiled cord
3.5 x 1.75 x 1.75 inches
New Works by Jana Brevick
May 04 – 30, 2011
Reception / Thursday, May 05, 6–8pm
Artist Talk / Saturday, May 21, 2–3pm
Opening in conjunction with the
Society of North American Goldsmiths' Flux conference
Friday, May 27, 5–9pm
By manipulating the architecture of communication, ComLink, an exhibition of new work by Jana Brevick, aims to identify the elements of human nature and interaction through the systems and devices created to enhance it.
Note: A comlink is a portable device from the Star Wars films that transferrs voice signals from one location to another. (source: Wookieepedia)
Note 2: This is neither an exhibition about Star Wars, nor Sci-Fi, but the artist cannot deny a certain regard and affinity for both subjects and their influence on popular culture, science and the dreams of the average person.