May 2011 / In The Backspace: Wanderer
Kirk Lang
Full Moon at Perigee, 2011
20 x 30 inches
In The Backspace
Kirk Lang
May 04 – 30, 2011
Reception / Thursday, May 05, 6–8pm
Artist Talk / Saturday, May 21, 2–3pm
The Ancient Greeks named the planets in the night sky planetes asters, which translates to mean "wandering stars" or in short, "wanderers". The title of the show, Wanderer, not only represents the objects depicted in the included work in a literal sense, but is also a metaphor which alludes to the personal struggles and experimentation the artist has gone through the past 5 years.
Wanderer seeks to reconnect past investigations with current experiences. These pieces are both spiritual in essence and scientifically grounded in the artist's use of materials to represent the cosmos in both a factual and truthful sense. Through the use of astrophotography, the viewer is able to look into the eye of the artist while the metal objects presented maintain a physical connection to material elements of the cosmos.