September 2003 / What a Wonderful World

Curators / Jeff DeGolier and Perla Sitcov

What a Wonderful World

John Byrd
Benjamin Chickadel
Tyler Cufley
Dan Dean
Jeff Degolier
Chris Grant
Heather Hollenbeck
Lindsay Packer
John Seal
Perla Sitcov
Philip Von Zweck

September 7 – 27, 2003
Reception / Saturday, September 6, 7–10pm

The title of the show, What a Wonderful World, implies our inflated idealism. And because we realize humanly, economically and politically that the show's title may raise an eye brow or two, the 11 artists invited to participate have found ways to convince the viewer that indeed there may be some validity to such an optimistic statement. Three-dimensional renderings of pristine landscapes manufacted by the computer, an agave plant fountain that recycles an abundance of tequila and photographs of hospitable landscapes festooned with industrial buildings, the pieces in the show state our changing environments through gluttony, irony and sincere gestures of beauty.

What a Wonderful World will be a work in itself that defines the artists involved. Work will be organized not by artist or genre, but in an intentionally haphazard way to create an open communication between the pieces. We hope the show will create a fictionalized space not unlike reading a really good short story where the characters and plot always imply a bigger picture that is not immediately revealed.


August – September 2003 / Bumbershoot


October 2003 / The Farm Where My Mother Lives