September 2014 / Trialogue
Julia Freeman. Vessel #1. 2014
Collaged fabric, paper and acrylic
18" x 36"
Caroline Kapp. Soft Hinge (Box) . 2014
Archival Inkjet Print
9" x 6"
Ellen Ziegler. Trialogue #4 (detail) . 2014
Cyanotype and stenciled watercolor on paper
40" x 32"
Julia Freeman
Caroline Kapp
Ellen Ziegler
September 04 – 27, 2014
Reception / Thursday, September 05, 6–8pm
Gallery Talk / Sunday, September 21 at 2 pm
Trialogue presents a three-way communication and collaboration between Julia Freeman, Caroline Kapp, and Ellen Ziegler. These artists share an aesthetic, a conceptual way of thinking, and a love of language as a stimulus for imagery. Though their work is formally distinct, the show is tied together by a subjective interpretation of a shared vocabulary.
Each individual began with a single word that served as a poetic construct, touchstone, and way of bringing an idea into form. After making work based on that word, they passed the word on to the next artist. Due to this collaborative system, or an eerie fourth-dimensional convergence, this process sometimes resulted in an emergence of identical imagery from each artist’s studio.
In turn, the collection of works in the exhibition will offer the viewer a metaphorical Easter-egg-hunt journey to the still-secret words that generated the art.
Julia Freeman works in a variety of media, installations, and performative events such as the 2013 and 2014 NEPO Don’t Run, On the Boards 12 Minutes Max, collaboration with musicians, and a 2011 4Culture Gallery show.
Caroline Kapp has exhibited photography and video work internationally as well as regionally. She has shown at Koplin del Rio Gallery, Culver City, CA, at Prographica in Seattle, and at the International Photography Festival, in Pingyao, China. Kapp was a Resident Fellow in 2014 at the Virginia Center for the Creative Arts, and a 2013 Artist in Residence at Centrum in Port Townsend WA.
Ellen Ziegler’s most recent exhibit,Vermilion, was a 2014 collaboration between Cullom Gallery and LxWxH Gallery in Seattle. She was artist in residence at Kansas City Art Institute in 2013, performed in Trafalgar Square with a giant video-activated mirror, and was featured in the 2012 Sofia Biennale, Sofia, Bulgaria. She is the show’s curator.