August 2009 / Land(e)scape
Julie Alpert
Inter-Departmental Mail
Collage on paper
42 x 60 in.
Lise Graham
Caliente Haze
Oil on canvas
48 x 60 in.
Cable Griffith
World One Overview
Acrylic on canvas
48 x 60 in.
Julie Alpert
Lise Graham
Cable Griffith
August 5–29, 2009
Featuring new painting, drawing, and installation from Julie Alpert, Lise Graham, and Cable Griffith. Using bright bold palettes, sometimes painterly, sometimes flat and hard-edged, always based in invention and imagination, the artists in Land(e)scape explore the many ways we, as viewer or painter, can get lost inside a painting. They posit that painting has the unique capability to transfer us out of the confines of the room in which it hangs or push back on us, always asking us to enter an alternate reality.