June 2007 / Crud

Nola Avienne

Ellen Ziegler


Nola Avienne
Claire Putney
Timea Tihanyi
Ellen Ziegler
Susan Zoccola

June 7 – July 1, 2007

 assembles work that reaches its formal and emotional power through an evocation of change, decay, infestation, pollution, metamorphosis and the transformations of time. It presents artists who go beyond the seductiveness of material or or the mere manipulation of emotions to integrated and powerful work. Often that work references the body and its processes, as the body can be the source of our most intimate ambivalence.

As in Joseph Beuys’ use of fat and felt, the hair sculpture of Petah Coyne and Wenda Gu, Kiki Smith’s body meditations, the dropping sunflower seeds of Anselm Kiefer’s paintings, and Tim Hawkinson’s giant digestive system, these works exemplify (sometimes literally) a visceral engagement with ideas, emotion and materials characterized by attraction and revulsion, beauty and creepiness.

Crud is a project of In Lieu Exhibit Space, which presents work by artists who look for connection and presence in the local, national, and international art communities beyond what conventional exhibiting venues provide. In Lieu curates, promotes and disseminates. www.inLieu.org

Gayle Clemans' review of the show in The Seattle Times

Nate Lippens' review of the show in the Seattle Post-Intelligencer

Adriana Grant's review of the show in Seattle Weekly

Gary Faigin's review of the show on Artdish

Listen to Gary Faigin's review on KUOW's The Beat (archived edition)


May 2007 / The Bicycle Rehabilitation Project


June 2007 / ITB: Technically Beautiful