August 2019 / Repossessed
Daniel R. Smith. Scenes from the nanoforest: Death with Spirit Goose.
Photograph 20 x 30”
Kristen Ramirez. Everything Must Go, detail from installation.
Balsa wood and paint.
Curator / Ellen Ziegler
Monyee Chau
Elisheba Johnson
Sara Osebold
Kristen Ramírez
Daniel R. Smith
Ellen Ziegler
August 01 – 31, 2019
Reception / Thursday, August 01, 6–8pm
Repossessed brings to light a generally unknown part of Seattle’s history: before 1968, homeowners city-wide could and did put language like this in their deeds “No persons of Hebrew, Asiatic or Negro blood shall be permitted to occupy any portion of said property…”
Repossessed confronts this history — as well as current economic conditions that leave so many unable to buy or rent homes in the city or to stay in the neighborhoods they have lived in for generations.
Artists from racial and religious groups prohibited in the past or feared in the present —Chinese, Black, Japanese, Latinx, Native American, Jewish — make work in a personal response to this ongoing legacy.
Sara Osebold. How to Keep the Foundation Warm, detail from installation.
Found brick and concrete fragments, cloth.
Ellen Ziegler. Curb Appeal, detail from installation.