November 2013 / Good Manners and Great Understandings
Julia Freeman, Fancy Piece #3, 2013.
Collaged photographs, fabric & acrylic on wood panel, 13" x 13"
Julia Freeman
with writing collaborations
by Jed Murr & Bridget Stixrood
Good Manners and Great Understandings
November 07 – 30, 2013
Reception / Thursday, November 07, 6–8pm
Floating squares on white walls; thrift store fabrics, obscure tools, red velvet; collaged photos with disappeared referents; the accoutrements of learned habit, etiquette, belonging; feeding tubes and holding straps. The array of materials and images that make up Good Manners and Great Understandings–now flat, now three-dimensional, here lush and inviting, there cruel and despondent–demand, in their stillness, that we move, both nimbly and clumsily, between multiple scales, times, and locations.
— excerpt from accompanying text by Jed Murr