March 2013 / One on One
Marije Vermeulen
Arcade, acrylic on wall, 303 x 588 cm, 2010
Marije Vermeulen
Breaker, acrylic on wall, 309 x 1484 cm 2011
Guido Nieuwendijk
Tickertape, acrylic on wall, 244 x 500 cm, 2011
Guido Nieuwendijk
Zigzag, acrylic on wall, 330 x 480 cm, 2012
Marije Vermeulen & Guido Nieuwendijk
One on One
March 06 – 30, 2013
Reception / Thursday, March 07, 6–8pm
One on One is a show with site-specific wallpaintings by Marije Vermeulen and Guido Nieuwendijk.
The actual space of SOIL gallery is an important starting point for these works. The floor plan of the gallery provides the situation to place the wallpaintings opposite each other. The idea of making a show in a simple setup matches the works that are clear-cut and to the point.
One on One refers to a breakdancing battle where two dancers challenge each other. Within the same style they seek the differences in detail and individuality. Like these break-dancers, the works of Marije Vermeulen and Guido Nieuwendijk show great formal similarities, but their fundamental ideas and outcomes are different. The work is non-objective and is about turning small thoughts and ideas into art. They both use the abstract tradition, but place it in current time by playing with its boundaries and bending its rules.