February 2011 / In The Backspace: Don’t Blink
Timothy Cross
Couch Trellis, 2011
Gouache on ink-jet print
13 x 17.5 inches
Timothy Cross
Grave Yard Trellis, 2011
Gouache on ink-jet print
13 x 16.5 inches
In The Backspace
Don’t Blink
Timothy Cross
February 02 – 26, 2011
Reception / Thursday, February 03, 6–8pm
This show is a coming out of sorts, a beginning to something that will grow and expand into the future. Don’t Blink is a collection of drawings and paintings on printed photographs as well as a wall sculpture made of wood and paint. These works bring together abstract forms and constructions with a closer and more personal look at the physical world around me via photographs and drawings.
Don’t Blink brings together things that are fleeting and things that are fixed. To put them together and acknowledge how a single moment is part of a larger truth and to recognize that fixed truths are connected to a flowing and changing sense of nature. It comes from a desire to challenge the real and the idealistic against one another to more directly confront the differences in the two and find where they come together.