January 2009 / ITB: Progression
Shaun Kardinal
20’ x 20’ in.
Lightjet C-print
Shaun Kardinal
Go On, I'm Listening
20’ x 20’ in.
Lightjet C-print
In The Backspace /
Shaun Kardinal
January 7–31, 2009
Progression features recent self-portraits by Shaun Kardinal.
In a series titled Look at Me, Kardinal photographs himself performing daily actions in his bathroom. Through these images he has captured his unique experience of common, ubiquitous moments which are often overlooked. In Go On, I'm Listeningand Double-Blind Kardinal documents his voyeuristic side, inverting the very nature of the affairs. Inflection, a collaboration between Kardinal and Ariana Page Russell, allows the two artists the opportunity to bare their individual responses to a shared trauma.