September 2006 / ITB: Four Stages of Snow
Sara Osebold
Four Stages of Snow, 2006
Gloves, white chocolate, water jars, glitter, felt, table, alabaster, pans, ice sounds
In The Backspace /
Four Stages of Snow
Sara Osebold
Four Stages of Snow offers insight in the process of snow falling from sky to earth.
Sara Osebold makes sculpture and installation-based works which reference landscape and its inhabitants. Fascinated by natural history, science, and the culinary, her work demonstrates process and the combining of textures/items in playful and curious ways. Winter is her favorite season and someday she dreams of seeing a muskox in the wild. Upcoming events include installations at the Woolworth Windows in Tacoma and Aqua Art Miami in Florida. She received her MFA in sculpture from Pratt Institute in New York.