January 2006 / Psychogeographies
Vaughn Bell
Personal Home Biosphere
Ron Lambert
Vaughn Bell
Ron Lambert
January 5 – January 29, 2006
Reception with Landscape Adoptions by Vaughn Bell
Thursday, January 5, 2006, 6–9pm
Asking, “in what place do we want to be?”, this exhibition explores the construction of emotions and feelings of security in relation to our attachment to our environment. Through the use of sculpture and video, the show will examine the rub between the places we encounter and the ways we interpret them. It will also deal with the simulation of the emotive qualities these places hold in order to question our desires for a surrogate place.
Vaughn Bell:
In the midst of concrete, we often yearn for a green horizon. There are places: landscapes and interiors - that we take with us everywhere and others that we desire to carry along, yet drag us down. Our relationship to environments like these is intimate, visceral, enveloping our senses and also requiring our effort and care. My work looks at this relationship, and presents opportunities for intimate encounters with living places, while also examining the humor and pathos inherent in our desire to own and control the landscape. - VB
Ron Lambert:
There are instances when the environment reminds us of our lives, such as the point at the beginning of a rainstorm when you’re not sure if you feel the water yet and even more dramatically in extreme weather when our lives are threatened. I would like to point out the instances in our lives when we are reminded that we are involved in our surroundings, playing a role in the environment that we live in. - RL