November 2005 / CRIME SCENE
Denise Duffy, Fingerprints of Barbara Kruger
Claire Johnson
Exhibit A (body)
Claire Johnson
Exhibit A (chalk line)
Rich Lehl
Cat Burglar
Colleen Langford
Malayka & Tom Gormally
Hand Gun
Curator / Claire Johnson
November 3 – 27, 2005
Reception / First Thursday, November 3, 6–9:30pm
Artists from Seattle, San Francisco, Los Angeles and Canada respond to crime, investigation and evidence in CRIME SCENE at SOIL in November.
Claire Johnson (Seattle) collaborates with Larie Smoyer (Seattle) to document the medical examination of a murdered sock monkey while Amy Ragsdale (Seattle) contributes an interactive performance piece and video installation centering on surveillance and interrogation. Denise Duffy (San Francisco) uses forensic techniques in her fingerprint lifts of art world figures.
Other participating artists include Demi Raven, Rich Lehl and Tim Marsden (Seattle), Fourteen (Los Angeles), Bonnie Reid (Canada) and Kipling West (Canada).