May 2002 / First War of the New Millennium
Jack Daws
Pickled Flag, 2001
U.S. flag, vinegar solution, jar
9 x 4 x 4 inches
Photo: Richard Nichol
Cathy McClure
Fearless Leaders Medium (detail), 2002
1st grade primer paper, #2 pencil
8.5 x 11 inches
Curators / Paul Davies and Samantha Scherer
First War of the New Millennium
Leslie Clague
Paul Davies
Jack Daws
Jen Dixon
Jason Huff
Cathy McClure
Paul Metivier
Linda Peschong,
Samantha Scherer
John Seal
Steve Veatch
Blair Wilson
May 4 – June 2, 2002
Location / 1317 E. Pine St.
On September 11, 2001, the United States was attacked by terrorists. In response, artists Paul Davies and Samantha Scherer teamed up to curate a show about the attack and America's subsequent war on terrorism. The show examined American society post-9/11 and explored the notions of national identity and cultural responsibility. First War featured twelve local artists with works in video, ceramics. drawing, and sculpture.
Paul Davies: What was lacking in America after the tragedy of 9/11 was any sense of introspection or investigation into just how we found ourselves in such a predicament. America is not a nation that enjoys introspection, or even citizens who ask questions, and that saddens me deeply. First War was one of the few shows that directly confronted the nature of our nation's collective response. I only wish more artists would speak out about the important issues that confront America today.
Samantha Scherer: I feel that it is one of our prerogatives as Americans to speak our minds. At the time, it seemed that nationwide there was an unspoken moratorium on dissent. Normally vocal in their opinions, Americans were silent. Maybe it was out of respect, maybe it was out of fear, maybe a little of both. This show was a forum for artists to give voice to their reaction to the political and social climate after the attacks.
Paul Davies
Motivational Device for an American Citizen, 2001
Photos: Jeff DeGolier