July 2018 / Prep Tantrum Show™

Anonymous Preparator. Title Wall Vinyl in Holly Green.  photo: @ccuehara

Anonymous Preparator. Title Wall Vinyl in Holly Green.
photo: @ccuehara

Prep Tantrum Show™/ First Iteration

Curator / Catherine Cross Uehara

Tom Albers
Rosa Castañeda
Pete Fleming
Alexandra J. Hines
Claire Johnson
Zoe Kuhn
Matt Sellars
Catherine Cross Uehara
Bill Whipple

July 05 – 28, 2018
Reception / Thursday, July 05, 6–8pm

A show about art handling by people who handle Art.

The Prep Tantrum Show: Any Museum’s Plan B™ is a revolutionary and potentially viral, politically-charged exhibition concept about speaking truth to power and sense to nonsense in Planet Earth’s museum world.

It is a little-known fact that many museum exhibitions on Planet Earth are poorly conceived, barely planned, and painstakingly executed just in the nick of time by a rag-tag bunch of underpaid, overeducated, under-appreciated, and generally underemployed museum professionals known as “preparators”. The Prep Tantrum Show™ : Any Museum’s Plan B proposes to “stop the bleeding at any time” of any over-budget, under-planned museum misadventure by turning existing resources, materials, and labor simply and completely over to the preparators to “express themselves artistically” in the galleries AND get paid to clean up the mess.

At international museum conference info expos of the future, marketing materials (and swag) for The Prep Tantrum Show™ will be fanned out on black draped tables alongside other well-known, pre-packaged shows like Picasso!, Chihuly!The Impressionists!, King Tut™, and Bodies™.

@preptantrumshow / The Prep Tantrum Show™ : Proposal Review / First Iteration is an exhibition of tantrums and tantrum proposals curated by Catherine Cross Uehara for future actual Prep Tantrum Shows™and may or may not be used as examples in the handbook and marketing materials for future Prep Tantrum Shows™. Participating artists may or not be anonymous at their own discretion, with preference given to critical expressionism regarding the art world status quo.


June 2018 / Foundation Deposits


July 2018 / In The Backspace: Future Landscapes