May 2009 / Expo

Jana Brevick
Redefining Ballerism: Upping the Ante

Basketball rim, brass, crystal, glass and plastic
20" x 19" x 24.5"

Margie Livingston Photo: Richard Nicol

Margie Livingston
Photo: Richard Nicol

Kiki MacInnis (video installation)
Margie Livingston (background wall installation)
Photo: Richard Nicol


Vaughn Bell, Jana Brevick, Chris Engman, Ben Hirschkoff, Etsuko Ichikawa, Claire Johnson, Margie Livingston, Kiki MacInnis, Saya Moriyasu, Nicholas Nyland, Vesna Pavlovic, Chauney Peck, Adam Satushek, Randy Wood, Jennifer Zwick 

May 6–30, 2009

Expo is an experimental show for which fifteen current SOIL members accepted the challenge to create new works in an unfamiliar medium. The drive towards refinement takes back seat to the spirit of discovery as photographer Adam Satushek makes sculpture out of latex, painter Kiki Macinnis exhibits her first video installation, ceramicist Saya Moriyasu applies paint to canvas, and works-on-paper artist Randy Wood makes comic art with surveillance cameras.

Founded in 1995, SOIL is a not-for-profit cooperative space established, supported and operated by local artists. SOIL exists as an alternative venue for artists to exhibit, develop, and advance their work, and is committed to exhibiting and celebrating art of diverse media and content.


April 2009 / ITB: Century 21


June 2009 / It’s All Part of the Plan