December 2009 / Of Walking In Ice

Dominic DeJoseph
Video still

Anna Fidler Untitled 2009 Mixed media on paper

Anna Fidler
Mixed media on paper

Greg Pond
Wood, electronics, speaker and sound hardware and software

Curator / Jack Ryan

Of Walking In Ice

David Berman
Joseph Burwell
Dominic DeJoseph
Bill Daniel
Anna Fidler
Alexandra Lakin
Donald Morgan
Melody Owen
Greg Pond
Jack Ryan
Steven Thompson
Jan Tumlir
Laura Vandenburgh,
Anke Weyer

December 3, 2009 – January 2, 2010

This exhibition of artists' works assembled by Jack Ryan with support from Fugitive Projects becomes a compendium responding to Werner Herzog’s small but significant book sharing the same title. Written in 1974, and until recently out of print, the artists draw from their expertise to reflect and visually contextualize facets of Herzog’s travelogue, an articulate tale of a 3-week walk from Munich to Paris. 

This exhibition is a curatorial assemblage of translators based on Ryan’s respect for the participating artists and their unique positions of expertise. Rather than condemning the idea of translation it is seen as opportunity to engage Herzog’s book with a new matrix of interpretation and association.

Featured artists are from New York, Los Angeles, Germany, Oregon, Pennsylvania and Tennessee with an accompanying text by Los Angeles based writer Jan Tumlir.

A modest pamphlet will accompany this exhibition. Of Walking In Ice moves on to exhibit in Portland, Oregon’s White Cube in the White Stag Building, February 2010.


November 2009 / ITB: shields|sleights


December 2009 / ITB: Bilaterography